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Lanzarote’s top historical attractions

Lanzarote’s top historical attractions

As the oldest of the Canary Islands, Lanzarote has a long, rich history that began 22 million years ago, when the isle was created by volcanic activity. That’s why I think discovering some of the local historical attractions is an absolute must on holidays here.
What most charms me about Lanzarote’s historical sites is that they’re really varied. On the one hand, you’ve got castles and museums, while on the other you’ve got awe-inspiring, almost unearthly landscapes that tell the story of the island’s origin and formation.

Cesar Manrique

Cesar Manrique

In my mind, one of the most important historical attractions in Lanzarote has to be the house of Cesar Manrique, which was built back in 1968. There are several reasons for this – firstly because Manrique is easily among the island’s most famous former residents, having been born here in 1919.
In fact, by visiting his house today, you can view some of his works, as well as those by artists like Joan Miro. Secondly, this amazing house actually incorporates the local landscape into its structure to create something truly unique – five of the main rooms here are formed from volcanic bubbles.
Thirdly, Manrique was instrumental in the island achieving UNESCO Biosphere Reserve status back in 1993. You see, while Manrique left Lanzarote to travel for a good few years, he returned in 1966, at a time when the island began pushing tourism. Manrique called for sustainability measures to safeguard both the island’s natural wonders and its culture – principles that are still upheld today.

Timanfaya National Park

Timanfaya National Park

My next historical attraction is actually a landscape, but, as I mentioned briefly above, Lanzarote’s terrain has its own story to tell about the local history. Timanfaya National Park is a 5,107-hectare reserve resulting from the island’s volcanic eruptions – not just one, but those that have occurred throughout its lifetime.
So, it really is worth coming here to look at the lunar-like landscape. A particularly good point to view it from is Montana Rajada, since from here you can see across the weird and wonderful terrain all the way out to sea.

Castillo de Santa Barbara

Next on my list is Castillo de Santa Barbara, which is the Canaries’ oldest fort. You’ll find it in Teguise, at the top of the Guanapay peak, giving great views across the plains.
It was built back in the 16th century and, since falling into disuse, has been restored to house the Museo del Emigrante Canario, which tells the story of the history of migration to and from the islands. While being quite small, this museum is really interesting and definitely worth a look, while the castle itself is seriously impressive to behold.

Palacio Spinola

Last on my list is Palacio Spinola, which is also in Teguise. A large palace, it’s located in the Plaza de la Constitucion and was built between 1730 and 1780. In 1895, it was given to the Spinola family – one of the island’s most prominent families – which is where it gets its name.
These days, it’s the official residence of the Canary Islands government, making it an important slice of modern history. You can simply come and admire the outside, of course, which is striking in itself, but I’d also recommend nipping inside and checking out the museum, where you can see some period furniture.

Located around 12 km away, Costa Teguise is a decent place to base yourself for your holiday, thanks to its mix of a gorgeous beach, traditional buildings and lovely little boutiques. If you’re still hunting for hotels, you can see some good options at - both in Costa Teguise and other parts of the island

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